
Decoração: Aparador

 Olá coisitas lindas!

Hoje trago um post de decoração sobre o uso do aparador, móvel geralmente usado em salas de estar, jantar, hall e corredores e que serve de apoio para objetos e também recebe adornos.

Normalmente o aparador é feito sobre medida para se adequar perfeitamente ao ambiente e pode ser encontrado em uma variedade de estilos, desde os mais tradicionais e clássicos até os de designs modernos.

Para decorar o aparador, podemos usar abajures, porta retratos, livros, bandeja para guardar chaves, vasos de flores ou folhagens, velas perfumadas, porta correspondências, estatuetas, caixinhas decorativas e até mesmo quadros ou espelhos apoiados sobre ele, no caso de não querer furar a parede (o que é ótimo quando se mora de aluguel). Também é possível colocar as bebidas sobre eles ou mesmo transforma-lo e um cantinho de café. Quando usado na sala de jantar, o aparador faz ainda a função de buffet, ou seja, é utilizado como apoio nas refeições para que nele sejam colocados a louça de jantar. E como os aparadores costumam ser vazados, o espaço abaixo dele também pode ser preenchido, como por exemplo usando puffs, cestos, malas decorativas ou vasos.

Para escolher o aparador ideal, é necessário saber primeiramente a utilidade que se quer dar a ele e, a partir daí, se escolhe o estilo: clássico (estilo Luiz XV, bombe, marchetado, artesanal e provençal), vintage e contemporâneo.

Abaixo, diversas inspirações de decoração de aparadores:

Imagens retiradas do Google

E a melhor loja para comprar seu aparador é na Atelier Clássico, onde você encontra móveis de luxo e qualidade!



What to wear to a wedding?

Every woman has been through the following situation: she was invited to a wedding but doesn't know what to wear.

One of the ways to choose what to wear is searching about the place where the ceremony will take place and see what outfits were used during previous events. Also, we can ask to other women who were invited to the same wedding what they will dress.

Usually the wedding dress code is the formal attire and the choices can be a refined cocktail dress, a floor-length gown or even a fancy jumpsuit. This dress code accept to wear a dress that shows the ankles (which is not possible when the dress code is black-tie).

Some hints to choose your formal dress are: 

→ Have the color you want to wear in mind so the process of shopping your dance dresses will be so much easier and quicker.

→ So important as to choose the color of your dress is to choose its style. Do you prefer tight or loose dresses? What kind of fabrics you prefer (laces, crepe, sheer tulle,glossy satin, velvet, chiffon, taffeta...)? And about the length? Knowing these previous things is help you a lot during your search of the perfect dress.

→ Considering your body type will help you too because every woman has a different body shape and according to this are models to be avoided.

→ Don't forget tho look for inspirations using the web or in fashion magazines. Knowing the trends in advance will be you to choose a stylish outfit.

Besides the dress, remember you also need to choose accessories and shoes in order to  help your look be more complete.

Maybe you will need to buy a rehearsal dinner dress too and the above hits are also applicable.

A place to buy the perfect dress to a wedding or other evening party is at Ballbellas, an online store who will provide you on-trend designs, effective brand marketing and efficient and timely delivery of products of a complete lifestyle system to a global customer. They work with hundreds of young and talented designers to create the best dresses.

Ballbellas offers also great quality plus size dresses.

You can see now these wonderful dresses that I chosed and also visit Ballbellas site.



Daisda Prom Dresses

 Graduation is a unique and special time in our lives and it should be used in the best possible way. If you are at this moment of life then you are probably looking for the right prom dress to wear. To this occasion it's important to choose a  beautiful outfit but also comfortable so you can dance and have fun all night long.

Although many years ago I still remember my prom graduation. It was a magical night! Since I have a classic style I dressed a black  gown but with a big neckline to feel myself sexy. The important here is to choose a dress that make us feel stunning and comfortable with our personal style. In other words, Prom dresses can be romantic, classic, modern, sexy or exuberant, but they must never fail to make us feel attractive. Remember that your dress can be done with satin and lace overlays or sequins, beading, ruffles and feathers. Two-piece gowns are also being popular, with sleeveless, long sleeve, and off the shoulder bodice. 

A place to find your perfect prom dress is at Daisda, a global dress and fashion designing and manufacturing company. As an emerging fashion company, their mission is to provide on-trend designs, effective brand marketing, and efficient and timely delivery of products of a complete lifestyle system to a global customer. They work with hundreds of young and talented designers to create the best dresses and fashions for their customers. Through extensive research and their great knowledge of their customer base, Daisda offers great quality plus size dresses. They can also custom-make dresses according to one's specific measurements. They believe the fashion trend should not be controlled by the few, but rather be guided by the collective actions of every designer and fashion consumer. They hope that every customers could find their own unique styles with them.

Also, Daisda delivers world-class customer service to ensure your shopping experience can be as smooth as pleasant as possible.

You can see now these wonderful evening dresses that I chosed and also visit Daisda site. I'm sure you will find the best dress to the best night of your life!
